Janey Place and Lowell Peterson argue that the characteristic film noir moods of claustrophobia, par

Janey Place and Lowell Peterson argue that the characteristic film noir moods of claustrophobia, paranoia, despair and nihilism constitute a world view that is expressed… ultimate through their remarkable style.” – RESPONDING TO THIS ARGUMENT, CRITICALLY DISCUSS THE VISUAL AESTHETICS OF FILM NOIR IN “DOUBLE INDEMNITY” (1944) AND AT LEAST ONE OTHER 1940s FILM NOIR INCLUDING “STRANGER ON THE THIRD FLOOR (1940)
Key elements to discuss: Moods, Style, World view, Visual Aesthetics. ( but also all other elements typical for film noir can be discussed ). Please include a bibliography and filmography ( names of the authors should be in an alphabetical order ). You may also use screen-shots from movies. Please use Harvard referencing for the sources and dont place more than 2 internet references.