You are required to write a reaction paper based on the following reading: o Hannah-Moffat, Kelly. 2
You are required to write a reaction paper based on the following reading:
o Hannah-Moffat, Kelly. 2001. Mother Knows Best: The Development of Separate Institutions for Women Ch. 2 from Punishment in Disguise: Penal Governance and Federal Imprisonment of Women in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto, Press, p. 58-83. There are two components: a summary of the article and its main argument(s) and a critical analysis of the article using course material. Reading Journals are a way for you to engage critically with the course material and use a scholarly work from which to develop your own ideas. This assignment has two major objectives. First, it should hone your ability to read and analyze scholarly articles. This is a tool necessary for writing a good research paper in other courses (because summaries of all the articles you read never make a good research paper). Second, it will help prepare you for the first test because you will have something to study from and you will have a deeper understanding of the articles and the history of prisons in Canada. Please have one inch margins; double space; and use 12 point times new roman font. No reference page is necessary if you are only using course material and in-text citations will do such as: (Neufeld 1998: 98). A page number is necessary if you have quoted something directly. If you use material not from the course you still need to give credit to the proper source and provide a reference page. No title pages required. Because the reading journals are not that long, the summary component must be succinct and no more than 150 words. Your grade will be based on the following:
o how tight and accurate is your summary
o how precisely and perceptively you respond to the article
o the degree of clarity, complexity and insight
o the organization and development of the response
o the depth and persuasiveness of your response
o the style and grammar of your writing If you hand in a complete summary of the article and my lectures you will not do well on this assignment. You should develop a sense of where this reading fits in terms of the course
direction that would be a good starting point