Case Study A- Presenting Data Organisation XY needs to present data on some of its marketing……
Case Study A- Presenting Data Organisation XY needs to present data on some of its marketing activities. It uses a simple and clean style of presentation, so that data is easily identified and interpreted. The organisation has templates and style guides for graphs and graphics to present data; text is black, and colour is only used in the interpretation of data in the graphic (e.g..Iines in line graphs are in different colours. along with the graph legend/key that explains the data). This includes templates for: x- Line graphs Scatter graphs • Pic charts – Doughnut charts s•- Bar charts x- Area charts x‘i- Pictograms. Data Data for the following needs to be presented into an appropriate graph or chart. They need to present data to show: xi- Customer sales for the last four-week period. compared with customer sales from the same four-week period, one year ago x- Customer retention rates over the last five years >•- The proportion of current customers who are: • potential (shown interest in products but have not made a purchase) • new customers (who have made one or two purchases) • repeat customers (those who have made more than two purchases).