Research Paper Annotated BibliographyWrite an annotated bibliography. This will list and describe a

Research Paper Annotated BibliographyWrite an annotated bibliography. This will list and describe a minimum of 10 primary and secondary sources, with specific requirements detailed below, that you may use in your paper.The annotated bibliography should involve a variety of primary and secondary sources, including at least two primary sources and articles from at least two academic journals; it should not include encyclopedias (including Wikipedia), dictionaries, or non-professional websites. Each annotation should include a full, properly formatted Chicago style citation including evidence of the author’s professional academic background or relative occupational experience, one to two paragraphs detailing the basic argument of the work, the type of evidence used to prove the thesis, and an explanation of the value of the information to your paper. This is not a mere reiteration of the fact that you consider it useful. Carefully explain why.Research PaperSubmit a finished paper that includes a title page, endnotes pages (if used) and bibliography (without annotations). This paper will be 8-10 double-spaced pages (excluding the title page, endnotes pages, and the bibliography), with one-inch margins, times new roman font size 12, and either footnotes or endnotes (Chicago Style). Do not use parenthetical notes. If you’re not sure about what this means, ask me.The finished paper will use both primary and secondary sources to increase the plausibility of the clearly stated, analytical thesis. It will be carefully structured, composed, and proofread, with all required components included in the correct order. You need a minimum of 7 sources to be eligible for a grade of C; 10 sources to be eligible for an A. Note the specific requirements for primary and secondary sources. Your response is evaluated in equal measure in terms of the viability and ability to define a relevant historical topic that poses a perspective that can be affirmed or disproven by relevant evidence.concentrate on the nature of the U.S. and Soviet relationshipresident Reagan, concentrate on: President Reagan and the nature of the U.S. and Soviet relationship