Assessment 1Here are the tasks which you have to perform in order to analyse the consumerbehaviour a

Assessment 1Here are the tasks which you have to perform in order to analyse the consumerbehaviour and develop an overall consumer profile for selling INFANT Formula&Baby Food in the Chinese market:Task 1Carry out a segmentation of the Target Chinese market which would be ideal forselling your products to. Define these market segments on the followingcomponents:Demographics: Age, income, occupation, geographic locations, etcPsychographics: Interests, Opinions, Activities/hobbies, Habits, Lifestyle,Perceptions/attitudes which will affect the sale of your products in theChinese marketUsage based segmentation: How frequently is baby food/formula usedby consumers in China, at what age group do costumers buy bay food inChina, is there any particular season when this product is used, etc.(Note: Your answer should be specific to the products which you aim tosell in the Chinese market. Also, you need to use the right currency, citynames, etc.)Task 2In this task, you need to identify various aspects of culture, of the target marketin China, which will affect the sales of your product in China. These culturalfactors should include the following:Social culture, social class, family groups, decision makers, influencers,the actual purchasers, etc.Beliefs, customs & practices related to bringing up babies, type of foodgiven to babies, nutritional beliefs, etc.Social standards of acceptable behavior and what are the culturalmotivations which would lead the Chinese to buy your product.Values and attitudes towards foreign brands and productsChinese ideology system related to bringing up babiesReligious concernsFiscal behaviour ieo Attitude towards moneyo Spending of moneyo Ordering goodso Attitudes towards credit cardso Priority of consumables on which money is spendOther cultural consideration like:o Colouro Use of symbolso Choosing the name of your product / brand which is culturallyappropriateo Form and type of packaging, etcTask 3The One-Child policy was introduced in 1978, in China. It initially applied tofirst-born children in the year of 1979. It was created by the Chinesegovernment to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China.This policy officially restricts married, urban couples to having only one child,while allowing exemptions for several cases, including rural couples, ethnicminorities, and parents without any siblings themselves. Families violating thepolicy are required to pay monetary penalties and might be denied bonuses attheir workplace.What would be the affect of this policy on the sales of your company’sproducts in China? Describe your answer in about 600 words in onepage.Task 4Now that you have identified the target market characteristics and theirpreferences – recommend the ideal features of your company’s product whichwill be acceptable by the Chinese target customers. Give reasons for each ofyour recommendations.Your answers should include the following:Brand name (Is creation of a different brand name or a different logo agood idea? What will be your recommendation for this? Suggest a fewbrand names, which will be well accepted by Chinese mums)Ease of useQualityFlavours – recommend popular Chinese flavoursAffordabilityPackaging style, information labels, instructions, etcTask 5In this task you need to study / research the market scenario in China andinvestigate past trends, products successes and failures and reasons for thesame. The research material in annexure is extremely crucial for you tocomplete this task.Your answer needs to cover the following:o What is the current market situation for baby food and infantformulao Who are the main players / companies and their market shareo Who are the companies that are planning to aggressively sell inthe Chinese market?o Do costumers prefer local or international brands and why?o Do costumers buy baby food online?What are the main factors which will help business operations for yourcompany to be successful in China? Your answer needs to be specific tothe baby food industry.(Hint: Research sites which advise you on doing business in China)What has been the past history of Chinese costumers related to Infantformula / baby food? How will this history affect the sales of yourproducts?Research and name 3 international companies which failed and 3international companies which succeeded in selling their products /services in China. Discuss the reasons for the same as well. Examplesshould be recent and should contain at least one example each, relevantto the baby food industry in China.What are the main unwritten principles of doing business in China? Youranswer should be detailed and relevant to the baby food industry.(Your answers should include factors like decision making in China,business practices, local partners etc)