Appeal letter to go back to school after dismissed due unsuccessful 2 courses Master of Nursing PROGRAM

To appeal your dismissal, you will want to write a professional letter of appeal detailing your mitigating circumstances that occurred during all failed class attempts and provide supporting documentation. This appeal must talk about (1) why it is important for you to return to class, (2) detail any hardships you had when you did receive the non-passing grades which could have contributed to you being unsuccessful in class, and also, (3) what would be different if you were able to return to ensure you are successful.

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As you are going through writing this appeal letter, keep in mind any documentation you could submit to support your claims. There is no length requirement to this appeal, as long as you include information about the three sections mentioned above and provide supporting documentation. You can send your letter and documentation directly to me, and I will forward it on for review.

Thank you,