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This section contains important information on your paper, including the

papers length, the topic you should write about, requirements on writing

mechanics for your paper, and the due date.

Paper Length

Your writing assignment will be an 9 page paper.

Paper Topic

What do you think the gender roles of our early ancestors were? What

roles did Females play and what roles did males play? Were they different? How

did they change from Australopithecus, to Homo habilis, to Homo erectus, to

Neanderthal, and to Homo sapiens? What evidence do you have to support this

view, and why is the debate over the gender roles of our early ancestors so hotly


Writing format

Before you start writing your paper, please produce an out line. The main

headings of this outline will provide the subheadings for your paper, which should

be underlined. Headings are sign posts that tell the reader where you are going

– good idea! A logical progression in the presentation of your ideas and

headings will go a long way to improving the quality of your paper. All too often I

have felt like a wonderer in the wilderness with no Idea where my students are

taking me. It was as if they had randomly typed ideas about the topic into there

computer and then called it a paper.

You should cite sources in text, rather than give me footnotes. The format

you should use is (Name of author Year: pages). Thus a citation will look like

this: (Pryor 1999: 23-24). You should also provide a bibliography for the sources

of the things you cite. Do not use too many quotations. Conclusion

Please have a conclusion in your papers that wraps up and summarizes

your thoughts on the topic that you are writing about.