Answer the following questions on Archer Daniels Midland CO. aka ADM

Answer the questions by using the SEC websites 10K. Don’t include any of the numbers for these questions just summarize the parts of the 10K that apply to the questions. Highlighted parts only need to be revised and put together. Follow these guidleines:

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1.Table with 5 years of ratios w industry averages.

2.Ratios on each table include profitability sales salads growth GPM, ROS, ROA, ROE. Asset Efficiency, Accounts Recivable Turnover it Days on Hand, Inv, TAT, or PLE Liquidity + Leverage working capital or current ratio, Debt-Equity, Debt Ratio+ Times interest Earned Cash Flow- All 3 ratios

3-WRITING is short and Curt-get to the point

4-No personal pronouns and no “the company”

5-No quoting the 10K

6-Need a 1 sentence Note about industry averages

7-Do not define the ratios or categories

8-Most important aspect, answer WHY

9- when writing- work line by line down the table and within each line, you work year by year

10- Always discuss all 4 sales growth Ratio

11- Do not rewrite the questions


13. Do not write monetary numbers just note the increases or decreases.

These are only guidelines every guideline does not have to be used for every question.