Answer 11 questions, and each question one paragraph+one source for each; No plagiarism

– Answer 11 questions, and each question one paragraph+one source for each; No plagiarism

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– APA format.

Chapter 7: List and describe the stages of personality development, according to Allport’s theory. How do these stages illustrate Allport’s interest in the unity of the self?

Chapter 8: Describe Cattell’s 16PF.Why is it said to measure source traits, rather than surface traits?

Chapter 9: Describe how biological theories, including those of Eysenck and Gray, have implications for the development of personality through learning.

Chapter 10: Discuss the frustration-aggression hypothesis.How has it been modified by later researchers?

Chapter 11: Describe Richard Nixon from the viewpoint of Personal Construct Theory. Discuss his various constructs and how he used them in his political career.

Chapter 12: Discuss Mischel’s 3 types of expectancies and how they impact behavior.

Chapter 13: Discuss Barack Obama’s life in respect to the principles advocated by Albert Bandura and social learning theory.

Chapter 14: List and explain the three major conditions for effective therapy, according to Rogers.

Chapter 15: Discuss how Maslow’s theory has been used in the business world.

Chapter 16: Describe the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. Give examples of each and how someone might progress through them.

Chapter 17: Explain the term “paradigm.”How does a paradigm influence research?