Action Equation, Conversation Platform, and People Channel Assignment help

Part One: Action Equation

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Develop an action equation for your organization (or the last
organization for which you worked). The action equation should address
overall leadership strategy or leadership strategy for a specific
project or goal. An example of an action equation is found in Table 6.1
in the textbook.

Include these criteria in this assignment:

  1. Use the material in the textbook from chapter 3 (“Do”), chapter 4
    (“Know”), chapter 5 (“Feel”), and chapter 6 (“Why Nots”) as a guideline.
  2. Focus on what employees or team members need to do.
  3. Expand on what employees or team members need to know.
  4. Culminate with what they need to feel to take the right actions.
  5. Include at least six items in the “Do” category, four items in the
    “Know” category, two items in the “Feel” category, and two “Why Nots.”

Part Two: Conversation Platform

Develop a conversation platform for your organization (or the last
organization for which you worked). The conversation platform should
combine the most pertinent elements of the action equation into a simple
five-piece message set. An example of a conversation platform is found
in Figure 7.2 in the textbook.

The conversation platform should include:

  1. A core message (the middle box in Figure 7.2), which is the essence
    of what leadership wants employees to do. This core message or “cause”
    should be no more than two sentences in length and create a motivational
    connection that will make employees want to take action.
  2. A set of four building blocks (the outer boxes) that support the
    core message. Each building block should contain an action that supports
    the core message (two sentences at the most).Each building block should
    also contain a list of four to eight proof points that relate words
    with actions. The proof points may describe specific actions or ideas
    that support the building blocks.

Part Three: People Channel

Using the People Channel Dynamic in Figure 2.1 in the textbook,
create a specific People Channel for your organization (or the last
organization for which you worked).

  1. Include specific individuals that align with these roles: senior leadership, managers, frontline supervisors, and employees.
  2. Identify at least one person at each level (ideally more) and
    include yourself. The levels in your organization may not be identical
    to those in the example.
  3. Describe what methods are typically used to communicate between
    these levels. These methods may include, but are not limited to:
    face-to-face conversations, meetings, conferences, newsletters, e-mails,
    text messages, intranet, net meetings, and corporate broadcasts.

Part Four: Final Paper

In a 500-750-word paper, answer these questions about the final assignment:

  1. Why do effective leaders need an action equation?
  2. What are the advantages of narrowing strategic messages into a conversation platform?
  3. Why is the People Channel critical to effective leadership communication?

Identify at least two key takeaways from this course and explain how you will apply them to your leadership.