A three-page paper reflecting on new knowledge and strategies learned from the weekend immersion. (Note: three pages is 950 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font.)

In this paper, you’ll demonstrate what you’ve learned in the course and how you’ll apply it. The questions below will help with what to include, but you should not submit a paper that is merely a list of answers in response. Instead, aim for a clear and concise business text that is engaging, thoughtful, error-free (run it through Grammarly), and includes personal reflections on who you are, what motivates you, and what challenges you.

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  • For each of the two days, discuss a new insight that you gained. What surprised you? What will be a personal challenge for you? What would you like to set as a goal? Be specific. Mention specific ideas, not vague ones. Include quotations and examples if you have them in your notes.
  • What ideas about the term “professionalism” did you begin the course with, and how, specifically, have those ideas changed or developed as a result of taking the course? What can you identify as areas of professionalism you’ll work to develop in your time here at Kogod and how, specifically, will you work to improve in those areas?
  • What, specifically, did you realize about your abilities and challenges with teamwork, leadership, and communication over the course of the weekend?
  • What changes will you make in your personal branding, social media, and job and internship searches? Make sure to reference whether or not you had a LinkedIn profile prior to this course and updates you made as a result of the LinkedIn/Aspire assignment. What will you do differently in terms of career readiness as a result of this course and your understanding of your strengths?