3 discusion questions

1.  Listen to one (1) composition (for a symphony) by Haydn or Mozart, either at
the Websites below or in this week’s Music Folder. Identify the work that you
have chosen, and describe the way in which the composition expresses the
specific qualities of the Classical music style. Use the key terms from the
textbook that are related to that particular music style, and explain what you
like or admire about the work. Briefly, compare it to a specific modern musical
work for which you might use the term “classic” or “classical”.

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2. * From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the methods that states use within
their selection process for judges, and specify the selection criteria that each
state that you reviewed have in common. Provide specific examples to support
your rationale.

  • Identify at least two (2) risks associated with selecting judges via a
    non-partisan election process. Explain the key reasons why you believe each risk
    could potentially inhibit the fairness of trials. Provide specific examples to
    support your rationale

    3. Discuss the selection process for a federal judge nominee, including the
    background checks, senatorial courtesy, the confirmation process, and the
    assumption of office. Specify which influences you believe are the most
    persuasive in the final selection of a judge. Provide a rationale for your
    Judge John Doe, a judge in your state, has recently had charges of ethical
    misconduct brought against him. From the e-Activity, analyze three (3) steps
    that a judicial review board in your state would likely take, based on the
    current judge removal process for your state. Provide a rationale for your