2 sections of Cross culture tourism, Codes of Cultural Behavior and VolunTourism.

Section #5:Codes of Cultural Behavior (Do’s and Don’ts)

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Choice of Country

1. Choose a destination (one country) anywhere in the world.To begin this section, explain why you chose this particular country.Again, why did you choose the country you chose?(Some students have left this out in the past.)

Brief Cultural Overview

2. Provide a brief cultural overview of the country to include

historical background language, religious beliefs, and other information you believe is pertinent. Provide references cited in parentheses by title only, immediately after the information presented.For example:(CountryWatch)

Codes of Cultural Behavior

3. Conduct additional research on the codes of cultural behavior in the country.Provide information on cultural “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for tourists.Analyze at least five “Do’s” and at least five “Don’ts” which document the codes of cultural behavior in the country that will assist tourists in avoiding conflict with the cultural values of the hosts.Again, discuss (not just list) the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” as a major component of this assignment.After each of the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” make certain that you provide the reference cited.The references may appear by title only, in parentheses, after each listing.For example: (CountryWatch)

Unusual Aspects of Culture

4. Explain which of the “Do’s” and which of the “Don’ts” seem most unusual to you and might contribute to your unease in the country you chose.

You must have a minimum of two online resources and two library reference works for a minimum total of four resources.Do not cut and paste material from the online resources.You must report the information in your own words.The Turnitin system detects direct plagiarism.Again, a total of at least four sources must be used.List these under the heading “References” at the end of this section as well as in the narrative of your answers as indicated above.It is not necessary, in this class, to provide the full citation (since it will be easier for you this way and I’m already familiar with the reference works).So, again, simply list your references by title of the work or http link.It is not necessary to use APA or MLA or other methods of attribution.Just the title of the work will suffice for the purposes of this class.Note:Use only credible online sources.Do not use Wikipedia.The more reference material you refer to, the higher quality your response will be, and will result in higher points.(Continued on next page)

I encourage you to go to the University library to complete this assignment where you will find all of the traditional reference works.The librarians are happy to assist you with this.Also, if you have any trouble with the online resources the librarians can provide help with that too.

Length:Five to seven pages


Section #6:VolunTourism

Go to voluntourism.org

Review the home page to understand the resources available on this web site and to get a feeling for what VolunTourism is.On the menu (left screen) under “Who Are You?” click on “Traveler.”Read this page on VolunTourism for Travelers.

The Difficult Questions

1.Click on “Getting Started” and read.Complete the following exercise in this section:“The Difficult Questions.”Start by answering “Where do I want to go?”Then complete Questions #1-10. Add to your Portfolio.

Insights about Trip Preparation

2.Under “Quick Links” click on “Trip Preparation” and read.(Note that we skipped the section on “Trip Selection.”)After carefully reading the material, discuss three important insights you gained about trip preparation.Add to your Portfolio.

Processing Experiences

3.Under “Quick Links” click on “Processing Experiences” and read.What is your response to this section?In other words, what do you think of the advice given about Processing Experiences?Analyze at least three insights you gained.Add to your Portfolio.


4.Under “Quick Links” click on Post-Trip and read. What is your response to this section?In other words, what do you think of the advice given about Post-Trip?Present at least three insights you gained.Add to your Portfolio.

Summary of Articles

5.Read the five articles that are posted for this assignment and summarize each of the articles (two to three paragraphs for each). Add to your portfolio.

VolunTourism for You?

6.Finally, is VolunTourism something you would consider in future travel plans?Discuss why or why not.Add to your Portfolio.

Length:Five to seven pages
